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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
26 Nov 2012 - 18:00 to 20:15
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Declarations of Interests

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Adam Aston2References to matters affecting West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS) as an employee of WMASPersonal & PrejudicialRecorded in minutes
Councillor Margaret Aston2Capital Programme Monitoring (Priory Park Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) Project) as she attends meetings of the Friends of Priory ParkPersonalRecorded in minutes
Councillor Richard Body2Minute No. 22(a)(iii) of the Halesowen Area Committee (Petition from the Friends of Homer Hill Park and the presentation made to the Area Committee meeting) as the Chair of Homer Hill Friends GroupPersonalRecorded in minutes
Councillor Lynn Boleyn2Minute No. 25 of the Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education Scrutiny Committee (Revision of the Playing Pitch Strategy) and Mayor’s Announcements regarding Kewford Eagles Football Club as a Charity Trustee and Vice-Chair of Kewford Eagles Football ClubPersonalRecorded in minutes
Councillor Lynn Boleyn2Minute No. 22 of the Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education Scrutiny Committee (Revenue Budget Strategy) as Secretary to the Trustees of British Glass FoundationPersonal & PrejudicialRecorded in minutes
Councillor Timothy Crumpton2All matters affecting schools as a relative works as a supply teacherPersonalRecorded in minutes
Councillor Ken Finch2Capital Programme Monitoring (Priory Park Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) Project) as he attends meetings of the Friends of Priory ParkPersonalRecorded in minutes
Councillor Alan Finch2Capital Programme Monitoring (Priory Park Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) Project) as Chair of the Friends of Priory ParkPersonalRecorded in minutes
Councillor Susan Ridney2Minute No. 25 of the Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education Scrutiny Committee (Revision of the Playing Pitch Strategy) as a member of the IEB at The Coseley School PersonalRecorded in minutes
Councillor Mary Roberts2Minute No. 43(i) of the Development Control Committee (Planning Application P12/0612 – The Holly Hall School, Scotts Green Close, Dudley) as a Governor of the AcademyPersonal & PrejudicialRecorded in minutes
Councillor Heather Rogers2References to Mary Stevens Park and Swinford Common (Stevens Park and Recreational Foundation Trust) as Chair of the Friends of Mary Stevens ParkPersonalRecorded in minutes
Councillor Donella Russell2Minute No. 31(1) of the Halesowen Area Committee (Area Committee Grants) regarding the application for a grant to the Earls Gymnastics Club – in view of her youngest child attending the Club and her oldest child attending the SchoolPersonal & PrejudicialRecorded in minutes
Councillor Donella Russell2Minute No. 31(8) of the Halesowen Area Committee (Area Committee Grants) regarding the application for a grant to Hasbury Pre-School in view of one of her children attending Hasbury SchoolPersonalRecorded in minutes
Councillor Timothy Wright2References to Midland Heart as a tenant of Midland HeartPersonalRecorded in minutes
Councillor Timothy Wright2Minute No. 25 of the Regeneration, Culture and Adult Education Scrutiny Committee (Revision of the Playing Pitch Strategy) as a Governor of Ellowes Hall SchoolPersonalRecorded in minutes
Councillor Timothy Wright2Minute No. 39(iii) of the Development Control Committee (Planning Application P12/0733 – Change of use from Vacant Garage to Education Facility) in view of reference made to the West Midlands Fire Service, as a Member of the West Midlands Fire and Rescue AuthorityPersonalRecorded in minutes
Councillor Timothy Wright2Minute No. 39(v) of the Development Control Committee (Planning Application P12/1005 – Land Adjacent to Tipton Road, Dudley) in view of reference made to the Black Country Living Museum as a TrusteePersonalRecorded in minutes
Councillor Timothy Wright2Minute No. 43(x) and 43(xiv) of the Development Control Committee (Planning Application P12/1127 – 16 Moden Hill, Sedgley, Dudley) and (Planning Application P12/1016 – 13D Vale Street, Amblecote) – in view of reference made to the West Midlands Fire Service, as a Member of the West Midlands Fire and Rescue AuthorityPersonalRecorded in minutes
Councillor Timothy Wright2Minute No. 43(xiii) of the Development Control Committee (Planning Application P12/0866 – 1 Chapel Walk, Lower Gornal, Dudley) as he personally knew the applicant and the objectorPersonalRecorded in minutes

Other Attendees

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